FreeBSD 2023 in Review: Advocacy
Yet another year is coming to an end and we’re taking a look back at how we advocated for FreeBSD in 2023. Highlights include a return to regularly attending in-person events, celebrating 30 years of FreeBSD, increasing the number of FreeBSD interns, and increasing our PR efforts. All of these efforts combined work towards a goal of increasing the visibility of FreeBSD to a broader audience.
Advocating for FreeBSD is a key part of the Foundation’s mission. We want to make sure FreeBSD is always part of the operating system conversation. We want to help folks get started and ensure that commercial and academic users are aware of FreeBSD as a solution for their IT stack, products, and research. We want to keep the community informed on the important and interesting FreeBSD work, and ensure that companies using FreeBSD have a place to be heard among developers. That is why we spend time talking about advocacy, and why we want you to be aware of our efforts. Please take a minute to review FreeBSD Advocacy in 2023.
A follow-up:
2023 in Review: Software Development
Traditionally, nearly all of the Foundation-sponsored work that finds its way into FreeBSD ends up in the src tree. This year marked an exception, though, as we funded one dedicated ports project. While sponsored contributions constitute a modest portion of ports development, in 2023, approximately half of the sponsored ports commits originated from the Foundation.
Summary statistics provide a sweeping overview of the Foundation’s commitment to directly improving FreeBSD. To gain a comprehensive understanding, let’s explore the projects undertaken this year that advance us toward achieving the objectives outlined in our technology roadmap.