Games: Steam, Godot, and RetroArch
Boiling Steam ☛ New Steam Games with Native GNU/Linux Clients with CrossRoad OS and GridRoad - 2023-12-13 Edition
Between 2023-12-06 and 2023-12-13 there were 43 New Steam games released with Native GNU/Linux clients. For reference, during the same time, there were 316 games released for backdoored Windows on Steam, so the GNU/Linux versions represent about 13.6 % of total released titles. There’s quite a few quality titles in this week.
Boiling Steam ☛ The Invincible: Walking on a Lifeless Planet, on the Steam Deck
Where do Walking Simulators come from? I’m not sure I can pin point to the exact timeframe - there is almost no reason for them to be late in the game technically speaking. One could have made a walking simulator back in the 1990s even with limited 3D tech available back then. But somehow it feels like a relatively recent genre emerging in the mid 2000s, with games like Go Home, Dear Esther, and later on Firewatch, and probably a few others that I forgot about. The concept is fairly simple: the game is mostly about walking around and exploring an often very limited or linear environment, and trying to follow some kind of storyline or piecing back memories together. The genre is defined by a 1st person viewpoint, and having very empty environments with almost no-one around. Turns out this is perfect for devs who want to save money on character animations and re-use static assets as often as possible. So it’s no surprise this is mostly an indie genre, barely touched by bigger dev houses.
Own HowTo ☛ How to install Godot Game Engine on Ubuntu 22.04
In this tutorial, you will learn how to install Godot Game Engine on Ubuntu 22.04.
Universe repository on Ubuntu 22.04, contains the official package of godot, which you can download and install on your machine.
Linux Capable ☛ How to Install RetroArch on Debian 12, 11 or 10
RetroArch stands as a versatile and powerful software solution, designed to cater to gaming enthusiasts seeking a unified interface for their emulated games. This guide will demonstrate how to install RetroArch on Debian 12, 11, or 10, streamlining the process for both novice and experienced users.