today's howtos
Hunor Márton Borbély ☛ Day 10: How to Draw a Snowman with SVG
The filling of a shape can be defined as a gradient. Here we define a radialGradient in the defs section. It has a different syntax than CSS, but the capabilities are rather similar.
University of Toronto ☛ I recently used Grafana Loki for fast, flexible log searching
One of the ways our environment is different from usual ones is that we have a bunch of different systems and services that lots of people log in to. We have a long standing central syslog server that collects syslog logs from all of our Linux servers, and one of the things we've long used it for is to search for all of the recent logins across our environment for a particular person. We don't do this all that often but we do it often enough that we have a script for it (which basically boils down to grep with the right patterns).
Frank Delporte ☛ Book review - Modern frontends with htmx
The book is filled with example applications using several technologies.
James G ☛ Advent of Technical Writing: Deprecating Content
Deprecations rarely come without notice. As a technical writer, you should stay close to the teams whose work you are documenting. Listen out for any code, SDK, or product changes that may require action. When you hear that a tool may be deprecated, start communicating. Gather information on: [...]