Programming Leftovers
Nicolas Fränkel ☛ Canary releases with Apache APISIX
In a few words, the idea of canary releases is to deliver a new software version to only a fraction of the users, analyze the results, and decide whether to proceed further or not. If results are not aligned with expectations, roll back; if they are, increase the number of users exposed until all users benefit from the new version.
Idiomdrottning ☛ Merging vs Rebasing
OK, first of all, if you’re not the project lead, and the project lead has opinions, those are gonna be more important than what some rando webpage like this has to say. When in Rome, merge or rebase like the Romans do.
So the whole point of git compared to 90s style VCs like cvs or svn is that every copy of a repo is in one sense “the hub”, every copy of a repo, and even every branch of every copy, is the center of its own development and can have patches and commits applied to it. And that’s awesome.
Arjen Wiersma ☛ Advent of Code 2023 Day 3
Day 3 was quite something. I think that in an attempt to make it harder for AI to solve the puzzles the creators also increased the difficulty level of the base puzzles a little too much. The test was not very clear as to what should happen with negative numbers and it might trip people up. The puzzle itself is a great to exercise grid knowledge as you have to work with neighbors and you have to extend the numbers when you find them. Part 2 was just some bookkeeping on my existing implementation, so it was not too much work.
Rlang ☛ Finding the most unique land cover spatial pattern
Spatial signatures represent spatial patterns of land cover in a given area. Thus, they can be used to search for areas with similar spatial patterns to a query region or to quantify changes in spatial patterns. The approaches above are implemented as lsp_search() and lsp_compare() functions of the motif R package, respectively.
At the same time, it is possible to create other, more customized workflows. Here, I will show how to compare spatial patterns of two different areas and find the most unique land cover spatial pattern in the process.
[Old] Jacob Nowosad ☛ Finding similar spatial patterns
Finding similar spatial patterns requires data for a query region and a search space. Spatial signatures are derived for the query region and many sub-areas of the search space, and distances between them are calculated. Sub-areas with the smallest distances from the query region are the most similar to it.
Jacob Nowosad ☛ Finding the most unique land cover spatial pattern
In this post, we have seen how to compare spatial patterns of land cover in two different areas. It also showed how to find the most unique land cover spatial pattern (try to find the most unique area in your country as compared to the rest of the world!) This approach can be used to find areas with unique spatial land cover patterns or any other categorical rasters. To learn more about the motif package, see the other blog posts in the “motif” category.
Bugtracker migration to GitLab completed
We are happy to announce that the migration of the bugtracker to GitLab is done! 🥳
Perl / Raku
Perl ☛ Perl Advent Calendar 2023: Santa tackles Bitcoin, part two
It was a new day in Lapland! Well, sort of... it was still dark outside due to polar night, but our elf friend McJingles was well-rested and full of energy! Yesterday he learned all about how to make a transaction using Bitcoin::Crypto, but he forgot to prepare the private keys to be gifted by Santa. Elves may be very hard-working, but they are also forgetful!
Perl ☛ Perl Advent Calendar 2023: Trimming your holiday tree
It's time to pull out your holiday decorations. If you are like me, you probably have a couple of new decorations to add to your collection.
Perl v5.36 has some new ornaments too. The new pragma builtin defines several new functions in Perl's core. I go through these in Perl New Features, but there's one I want to show you this holiday season.
Rakulang ☛ Raku Advent Calendar: Day 3 – Helping the Elves Sort Their Mail
Lately, I’ve been a bit obsessed with Dave Thomas’s CodeKata series, and especially solving these problems in Raku. In this post, I want to talk about different ways of writing Raku and how to measure performance. We’ll focus on part 2 of Kata 11: Sorting It Out.
Rakulang ☛ Day 4 – Embedding a stack-based programming language in Raku
When @lizmat asked me to write a post for the Raku advent calendar I was initially a bit at a loss. I have spent most of the year not writing Raku but working on my own language Funktal, a postfix functional language that compiles to Uxntal, the stack-based assembly language for the tiny Uxn virtual machine.
But as Raku is nothing if not flexible, could we do Uxntal-style stack-based programming in it? Of course I could embed the entire Uxntal language in Raku using a slang. But could we have a more shallow embedding? Let’s find out.
University of Toronto ☛ A bit more trivial on the Unix V6 shell and its control flow
Over on the Fediverse, I posted about how the V6 'goto' and 'exit' worked, and got a good question in response, namely how did 'goto' and 'exit' get hold of the file descriptor for the script that the V6 shell was executing. The answer turns out to be that the V6 shell always read from standard input (fd 0). If it was running a script, it arranged to open the script with file descriptor 0 (standard input), which it passed on to all children as usual.