Olimex launches STMicro STM32MP157 SoM and open-source hardware EVB
Olimex has just launched the STMP157-BASE-SOM-EXT system-on-module (SoM) powered by an STMicro STM32MP157 dual-core Cortex-A7 microprocessor along with the open-source hardware STMP157-BASE-SOM-EVB evaluation board designed in KiCAD.
The CPU module comes with 1GB RAM, an EEPROM for configuration, and power management circuitry, and the carrier board exposes all features of the microprocessor with HDMI video output, LCD display interfaces, a 2MP camera, gigabit Ethernet, USB ports, CAN bus terminal block, audio jacks, several GPIO headers, and more.
Olimex provides a minimal Debian 11 image with Linux 6.x for the module and EVB. A user manual, PDF schematics, and a Linux user guide are provided on the product page for the SoM (see below), and the KiCAD hardware design files, PDF schematics, and user manual for the EVB can be found on GitHub.