Barry Kauler on EasyOS Development
Blender SFS fixed for usr-merge
SFSget, via the the "pkg" desktop icon, was able to download and install Blender. However, awhile back I removed it, as it was incompatible with the usr-merge folder hierarchy. That is now fixed and the Blender SFS is again available.
Bender is a very powerful 3D design tool. See the homepage: [...]
Enable client app to run web browser
I installed Blender SFS to the main filesystem. Blender runs as user "blender", with home folder /home/blender.
I clicked the menu entry to view the Blender User Manual in the web browser, but nothing happened.
The problem is that Blender is running as user "blender", so cannot execute the default web browser, which is Chromium. Chromium is another client app, running as user "chromium" (with home folder /home/chromium).
The way for a non-root client app to run another non-root client app, is to bootstrap up to the root user, then run Chromium. Many apps, including Flatpaks and Appimages, use the 'xdg-open' utility to run the web browser. If you look at /usr/bin/xdg-open, which is a script, you will see that if it is called as a non-root user, it requests, via 'sudo-sh' to bump up to root. This is a little gui window that asks for the root password. More explanation of sudo-sh here:
Fixed path bug in Limine Installer
Forum member libertas reported getting grep errors when running limine-installer in a terminal. See discussion here: [...]