Red Hat/Servers: F39 Elections, Fedora Magazine, Kubernetes, and Qubes
Fedora Project ☛ Fedora Community Blog: F39 Elections now open
Today we are starting the nomination & campaign period during which we accept nominations to the “steering bodies” of the following teams: [...]
Fedora Magazine ☛ Fedora Magazine: Writing useful terminal TUI on GNU/Linux with dialog and jq
Many use the terminal on a daily basis. A Text User Interface (TUI) is a tool that will minimize user errors and allow you to become more productive with the terminal interface.
Let me give you an example: I connect on a daily basics from my home computer into my Physical PC, using Linux. All remote networking is protected using a private VPN. After a while it was irritating to be repeating the same commands over and over when connecting.
Kubernetes for IoT Deployments: A Practical Guide
Kubernetes and KubeEdge are both platforms that offer scalable, portable and efficient solutions for IoT deployments.
QSB-096: BTC/SRSO fixes not fully effective (XSA-446)
We have published Qubes Security Bulletin 096: BTC/SRSO fixes not fully effective (XSA-446). The text of this QSB and its accompanying cryptographic signatures are reproduced below. For an explanation of this announcement and instructions for authenticating this QSB, please see the end of this announcement.