Desktop Environments: Xfce4 in OpenBSD and Bringing dwm Shortcuts to GNOME
Stéphane Huc ☛ OpenBSD: Xfce4
In this tutorial, I assume that OpenBSD has just been freshly installed, and that everything has to be done.
Brad Taunt ☛ Bringing dwm Shortcuts to GNOME
The dwm window manager is my standard "go-to" for most of my personal laptop environments. For desktops with larger, higher resolution monitors I tend to lean towards using GNOME. The GNOME DE is fairly solid for my own purposes. This article isn't going to deep dive into GNOME itself, but instead highlight some minor configuration changes I make to mimic a few dwm shortcuts.
For reference, I'm running GNOME 45.0 on Ubuntu 23.10