Open Hardware: Arduino, Raspberry Pi, RISC-V, and More
Arduino ☛ Simple machine quickly winds coils
This is exactly what it says on the tin: a machine that winds coils so you don’t have to. The user can input the number of wraps and the length of the coil, then the machine will take care of the rest. And the machine uses a lathe-style chuck to hold the core, so it can accommodate a wide range of sizes and materials. All the mechanical parts are either 3D-printable or available off-the-shelf, like fasteners and aluminum extrusion.
Raspberry Pi ☛ Coding futures: Celebrating our educational partnership in Telangana
We celebrate the launch of a special project where we are piloting a distinctive, computing curriculum in a government school and degree college in Telangana, India.
Raspberry Pi ☛ Petrifying Pico pumpkins
We’re so late to this Pico pumpkin party that the project has already been through an upgrade. The makers added a PIR sensor inside the nose of their pumpkin, giving it motion detection powers. Now the LED matrix eyes sleep when the pumpkin is alone, and blink into life when someone walks in front of it.
The Register UK ☛ Google formally gets to work on Android on RISC-V
The post, penned by Lars Bergstrom, a Googler with responsibility for Android platform programming languages, and Greg Simon who considers low-level operating systems, revisits Google’s November 2022 decision to start accepting Android patches for RISC-V.
[Repeat] Ted Unangst ☛ two hackers one keyboard two ways
There’s an amazing and famous scene of two hackers sharing a keyboard on NCIS, but it gets a lot of derision on the internet. What people don’t realize is that their mockery only reveals their own lack of skill. As everyone knows, a true hacker has mastered the art of dual wielding, and a keyboard that can be dual wielded by one might also be used by two hackers in tandem.
Presented here are two programs which would be of use to two operators in repelling a network intrusion, or which might be used solo by a highly skilled operator, a true hacker. Take your larping beyond just playing dress up.