A Social Meeting Between French-Speaking Mageians
It was not necessarily planned, but we have decided to tell you of our return in 2023.
A number of MLO members, some of whom are French-speaking contributors to the Mageia project, wanted to get together in September 2023 to renew ties and revitalise our little community. After the release of Mageia 9, it is time to take a step back from MLO and the Mageia project.
Although the MLO IRC room is active, we wanted to talk to each other through live voice-chat. So Jybz installed the VOIP software Mumble on our Mageia 8 server, which hosts our forum.
So myself, Papoteur, Neoclust, Squidf, Jybz, AmiAge, JCStiegler, Anonymous23, nic80 and David got together on Saturday, the 23rd of September, at 2.00PM, after setting the sound configuration of our respective Mumble clients. Admittedly, it was not easy. Our equipment was of different builds where even the most experienced Linux user could not always master the subtleties of the tool.