The irony of Life

The irony of life is that sometimes people decide on something, and it will have a huge impact on our lives. As a sane and mature person, the best thing you can do is get up and move on. Look for new opportunities, see different perspectives, and start a new beginning. Techrights and TuxMachines are now in better hands. We are working to improve the news coverage, presentation, and hopefully the number of original articles that we produce. This is freedom—no more hesitation and no longer being indebted in such a way that free speech is not being watched nor judged. We welcome once again our avid followers and readers of Techrights and Tuxmachines—this is your website. Show us support by keeping and guarding the freedom we can all share in speech, opinion, and conviction. You are Techrights and TuxMachines, and Techrights and TuxMachines are you.