Programming Leftovers
We built the fastest CI in the world. It failed. Here’s what we learned
What was particularly appealing about this plan was that Earthly, the build system, targets one problem: build consistency, while the final version, Earthly CI, targets another problem: build speed. This meant that Earthly, which is free, would not cannibalize in any way the monetization of Earthly CI. We wouldn’t be giving away too much for free – as Jenkins did – and instead, it would serve as a sustainable and scalable business model. It made sense to use the build system as a way to then create bottom-up adoption for Earthly CI - and the fact that we were building it first allowed us to build traction that one day will magically just convert over to Earthly CI users.
The best laid plans
Look, I’m known for executing really well. I’m your guy when you need someone with honed instincts, who can strike a good balance between speed, completeness, robustness, and performance. I’m also very creative, which helps with debugging and data modeling. I like to think I’m good at what I do, but I’m definitely in camp yee-haw when it comes to looking ahead and deciding what to do, and how to do it. In my experience it’s better to have a nebulous outline of where you want to end up, agree which part to bite off first, and then start fucking chewing. The next step will be obvious, and then the next step will be obvious from there, and so on.
The Inevitability of Scope Creep
Scope creep is inevitable. A project starts with a small mandate and ends with an enormous, uncontrolled scope. What was a small change is now a complete rewrite. It’s easier to visualize scope creep with software projects — you can easily see the number of services or areas of code that a change touches. And it’s sometimes easier to measure (which changes aren’t in the critical path of the goal feature or product?). But it happens in almost every project. I don’t think it can be eliminated entirely, but understanding the sources and the consequences might help limit its reach.
GNU Emacs, use-package, and key binding for mode specific keymaps
Many GNU Emacs modes, such as MH-E, define mode specific keyboard mappings (keymaps), instead of putting their special keyboard commands into the global keymap that's normally used in every file (okay, buffer). This is especially common in Emacs modes that are basically implementing an application inside Emacs, like MH-E and magit, but they also appear for other things like lsp-mode and backward-forward. Often you may want to modify those mode-specific keymaps, like mh-folder-mode-map, backward-forward-mode-map, company-active-map, and lsp-ui-mode-map.
R User Group Philippines Turns 10
The R User Group-Philippines (RUG–PH) celebrated its 10th anniversary on the 16th of August. The group marked the occasion with its first physical event since the pandemic, and it highlighted the group’s progress over the past decade.
The RUG-PH hosted 115 events in the past decade, making it one of the most persistent RUGs. During the pandemic, many RUGs struggled to remain active; however, RUG-PH continued with online events.
Valhalla's Things: How I Keep my Life in Git
After watching My life in git, after subversion, after CVS. from DebConf, I’ve realized it’s been a while since I talked about the way I keep everything1 I do in git, and I don’t think I’ve ever done it online, so it looked like a good time for a blog post.
Intro to C++ Coroutines: Concept
The time has come, fellow devs. We are on our way to uncover the newest concept of C++ language – Coroutines.
How Open Source (R and Shiny) Is Transforming Processes in the Pharmaceutical Industry
At the 2023 R/Basel event, we noticed a number of speakers and participants who were keen to share or gather knowledge about the use of R and Shiny technologies in many diverse processes of the pharmaceutical industry.