Security Leftovers
Common usernames submitted to honeypots, (Tue, Sep 5th)
Flaw in AtlasVPN Linux clients discovered, patch is on the way
A simple code snippet in a webpage could disconnect instances of AtlasVPN’s Linux Client, exposing a user’s IP address. The zero-day flaw was discovered and shared by a user on Reddit and the company is now working on a fix.
AtlasVPN has a vulnerability in Linux clients that can be exploited by malicious users to obtain the user’s real IP address.
Security updates for Tuesday
Security updates have been issued by Debian (file and thunderbird), Fedora (exercism, libtommath, moby-engine, and python-pyramid), Oracle (cups and kernel), Red Hat (firefox, kernel, kernel-rt, kpatch-patch, and thunderbird), SUSE (amazon-ecs-init, buildah, busybox, djvulibre, exempi, firefox, gsl, keylime, kubernetes1.18, php7, and sccache), and Ubuntu (docker-registry and linux-azure-5.4).