Today in Techrights
- Brave Browser Installation and Setup on Debian 12
- As Microsoft Collapses, Their Cottage Industry Based on Window Problems Dies Off. Malwarebytes Fires 100.
- Links 03/09/2023: Pardus 23.0 and Emmabuntüs Debian Edition 5 1.00
- In Asia, Almost 60% of the Total World Population, GNU/Linux Climbs to 6%, Windows Majority Becomes Rare
- Gemini Links 02/09/2023: Fediverse Issues and Back to Agate
- Lenovo Profits Down 66% in Q1 on 24% Lower Revenue, Vista 11 Hasn’t Picked Up Net Users Since April
- Mastodon: A Community So Vile They Even Eat Their Own. More Thoughts On Reddit.
- I Installed Microsoft Edge for Linux So You Wouldn’t Have to and Alan Pope is Basically Using ‘MSN Explorer with Chromium’