C and Gentoo
Illumos Gets A New C Compiler
Illumos is an OpenSolaris-derived Unix system, and no Unix is complete without a C compiler or two. And with a name like Portable C Compiler (PCC), you would think that would be a great bet to get up and running on Illumos. That’s probably what [Brian Callahan] thought, too, but found out otherwise.
Week 7 report on porting Gentoo packages to modern C
Hello all.
First of all, I would like to give the good news of passing the Mid-Term
evaluation. My mentor/s have provided me some valuable advice that I
would like to incorporate in my work in the following weeks ahead.Coming to my work, as I said in my last report. I picked up where I left
before week 6. Sent sent in some patches (no upstream unfortunately).
This week I mainly worked with Juippis (my other mentor) on reviews of
my already submitted PRs. We came across some challenges while doing,
namely reproduction of a bug, the case being juippis and sam_ were able
to reproduce the bug, but I couldn’t due. It was most probably due to
compiler-rt. I still have to send in a proper fix for that bug. Which
brings us the to second topic of setting up a test environment. Juippis
has an excellent guide on using lxc containers for setting up test
environment. -
Week 6+7 Report, Automated Gentoo System Updater
Progress on Weeks 6 + 7
These 2 weeks were spent on the parser and the reporter. During this time, I’ve added many features to it, but there are still much more things left to be done. Due to limited time of GSoC I will implement additional features after the program end.
Here is a list of features that were implemented so far: