Programming Leftovers
Steinar H. Gunderson: Finding the BESTEST sine function for Nintendo 64
YouTube gave me the video “Finding the BEST sine function for Nintendo 64” yesterday, and while I thought the title was very intriguing, I came away a bit disappointed; the video is hardly about the specifics of Nintendo 64 at all, and the author mostly spends time comparing straight-up LUTs with some hand-made splines under a proxy metric (no real comparative benchmarks, hardly any numerics).
Python Statistics Standard Deviation
The “statistics.stdev()” method of the “statistics” module is used to determine the standard deviation of a sample of data in Python.
Python Setattr() Function
Python “setattr()” function sets the specified object's attribute value. This function creates an attribute that does not present and assigns a value
Python set intersection_update() Method
The set.intersection_update()” method is utilized in Python to remove/eliminate the uncommon items from all the given sets.
Python String encode() Method
The “string.encode()” method is utilized to encode a specified string into a sequence of bytes based on the particular encoding.
Python Self Parameter
The “self” is a reference to the current instance of the class and is used to access variables and functions that belong to the class.
Python os path isdir
The “os.path.isdir()” method of the “os” module is used to check whether a given/specified path is an existing directory or not.
Python Nonlocal Keyword
The “nonlocal keyword” is used to work with variables inside nested functions, where the variable should not belong to the inner function.
Enumerate python examples
The “enumerate()” function is utilized in Python to count the elements of the specified iterable and returns the count and the item together.
Python Random Seed
The “random.seed()” method reproduces the random function result again and again, as this function initializes the pseudo-random number generator of Python.
Python issubclass() Function
The built-in Python “issubclass()” function is utilized to verify whether the particular class is the subclass of another particular class.
Python Print List
The “for” loop, “* Operator”, “List Comprehension” technique, and “join()” method is employed to print the list in Python.
Python String islower() Method
The Python “string.islower()” method checks whether the string contains all lowercase letters or at least one uppercase letter by retrieving “True” and “False”.
Python OS Path Split
The “os.path.split()” method of the “os” module is used to split/separate a specified path and return a tuple containing the head and tail of the path.
Python Splitlines
The “string.splitlines()” method in Python splits or breaks the given string at line break and retrieves the list object.