Programming Leftovers
Cross-Compiling for Raspberry Pi: Getting Started and Troubleshooting
We’re Earthly. We make building software simpler and therefore faster using containerization. This article covers cross compiling. If you’re someone who builds software often, you might want to check us out and see if Earthly can help you build faster and easier.
Simple toy languages
I'm kinda tempted to port one of them to Z80 assembly, and see if I can get it running under CP/M. I guess I could add a REPL for interactive use, though without actual hardware connected to my single-board computer it might all feel a little pointless. Then again I have Turbo Pascal, and even a tiny C-compiler, so I guess with those in mind any toy-language is pointless in a completely different regard.
C Programs to Print Fibonacci Sequence
The Fibonacci Sequence is a series of numbers in which each number (Fibonacci number) is the sum of the two preceding ones. The sequence often starts with 0 and 1.
Python Program to Print Fibonacci Sequence
The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where the next number is found by adding up the two numbers before it.
Mastering Data Aggregation with xtabs() in R
As a programmer, you’re constantly faced with the task of organizing and analyzing data. One powerful tool in your R arsenal is the xtabs() function.
TidyTuesday Week 25: UFO Sightings Redux
I haven’t been TidyTuesdaying because I’ve been learning Tableau. I’ll write more about that later; but it has been an interesting experience and provides different perspectives on data compared to what you might get from R.
English Translation of Children’s Book Ada & Zangemann Available Now
If you have a child curious about software development, this book might be just the right thing to pique their interest.
Word Embeddings in Perl: Baby Steps
Continuing from our adventures into latent semantic analysis in Perl, I have been toying with neural networks, the ultimate goal being word2vec-style word embeddings.11 Again, not because I think the outcome will be practically useful – there are pre-trained word2vec models for that – but because I need an excuse to do something I’ve never done before: write a neural network.
The Rust Programming Language Blog: Introducing the Rust Leadership Council [Ed: Outsourced to Microsoft proprietary prison, GitHub]
As of today, RFC 3392 has been merged, forming the new top level governance body of the Rust Project: the Leadership Council. The creation of this Council marks the end of both the Core Team and the interim Leadership Chat.
The Council will assume responsibility for top-level governance concerns while most of the responsibilities of the Rust Project (such as maintenance of the compiler and core tooling, evolution of the language and standard libraries, administration of infrastructure, etc.) remain with the nine top level teams.
Each of these top level teams, as defined in the RFC, has chosen a representative who collectively form the Council: [...]
Use For Loop With Array in Bash
In this Bash scripting example, learn how to use for loop with arrays.
NumPy Indexing
The “NumPy Indexing” in Python allows you to access and manipulate elements of a NumPy array based on their positions or index values.
Countplot Seaborn
The "countplot()" method of the "seaborn" library is used to count the number of observations per category and visualize the results.
Matplotlib violin plot
The “matplotlib.pyplot.violinplot()” function in Python is a versatile tool for visualizing data distributions using violin plots.
Python Clear List
The “clear()” method, “del” keyword, “pop()” method with Loop, and “remove()” method are used to clear the list in Python.
Python Binary Search
The “Python Binary Search” is a technique that is utilized in a program to find/get an element in a given sorted list or array.
Numpy Dot Product
To determine the dot product of “Scalar Values”, “Complex Numbers”, “1-D”, “and 2-D” arrays the “” function is used in Python.
SciPy Simpson
The “simps()” method of the “scipy.integrate” model of the “SciPy” library is used to determine numerical integration by utilizing Simpson's rule.
NumPy hstack()
In Python, the “numpy.hstack()” function of the “numpy” module is used to stack two or more arrays horizontally along their second axis.