KDE Frameworks 6 Bits & Pieces
While most of the effort around the transition to Qt 6 and KDE Frameworks 6 (KF6) is probably going into Plasma currently, there are still a number of lose ends to tie up in Frameworks itself as well. The below is far from a comprehensive overview of that though, it’s merely a few things I have been involved with recently.
During the 5 era we relied on the text-template engine Grantlee in several places (e.g. KHelpCenter, KDevelop, KDE PIM). In the 6 era this will now live on as KTextTemplate as part of KDE Frameworks.
The final bits for this, the formal review process and the actual move of the repository, have now been done as well.
Going forward this will mean one dependency release cycle less to deal with for consumers, and a faster and more predictable way to get upstream fixes rolled out.