today's howtos
Use vimdiff Like a Vim Pro
Have you ever wondered of writing a vimscript such that, when you open two files, it highlights the differences between the opened files and shows you how they differ? Why do that when vimdiff exists?
Install GitLab CE on RHEL9 with Ansible
Any change in an environment can introduce risk. However, running management and peripheral services on the latest version of an operating system helps build knowledge and confidence within your organization. And by using your Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) systems in their Full Support Phase (that's the first five of the ten year support life cycle), you're getting the full support experience that you're entitled to. Moving your applications and services to RHEL is better done sooner than later, and it's not as hard as you might think.
In this article, I demonstrate how easy it is to deploy GitLab on a RHEL 9 system. In addition to using the latest version of RHEL, I also show you how to use Ansible to automate the deployment process. That means in the future, you can use Ansible automation to deploy GitLab onto newer versions of RHEL upon release.
How to Generate, Encrypt and Decrypt Random Passwords in Linux
In this article, we will share some interesting command-line tools to generate random passwords and also how to encrypt and decrypt passwords with or without the slat (a security measure used in password hashing) method.
Security is one of the major concerns of the digital age. We set passwords to computers, email, cloud, phones, documents, and whatnot. We all know the basic to choose a password that is easy to remember and hard to guess.