OpenSUSE, Open Build Sevice, and SUSE is Promoting Microsoft
Open House in Prague to Showcases Culture, Innovations
Members of the Geekos community are inviting technology enthusiasts, students, potential candidates, and anyone interested in open source, openSUSE and Linux to an Open House event in SUSE’s Prague office on June 7 from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
The purpose of the event is to provide attendees with an exclusive opportunity to gain insight into open-source companies like SUSE and projects like openSUSE; organizers aim to share the unique culture of the two, and exhibit the exceptional work being done by the organizations. Participants will have the chance to interact with SUSE employees and openSUSE members as well as explore the office space, and learn more about the innovative projects being developed.
openSUSE.Asia Summit 2023 Logo Competition Announcement
Today is the launch of our logo competition for the openSUSE.Asia Summit 2023. A logo is an integral part of the openSUSE.Asia Summit experience. As you have seen, the previous openSUSE.Asia Summits have their unique logos that reflect the communities where the Summit took place. In line with tradition, we have a logo contest to have a great logo for this year’s summit. The openSUSE.Asia Summit will be held this year in Chongqing, China, details are available here.
The competition is now open. It will close on 16 July 2023. The organizers will send a “Geeko Mystery Box” as a reward for the best designed logo.
Request Page Redesign - Maintenance Action Types
After a while keeping working on the request page redesign, we are glad to come back to you with two new request types: maintenance incident requests and maintenance release requests. The request redesign is part of the beta program. We started the redesign of the request workflow in August 2022. Then, in September 2022, we focused on the support of multi-action submit requests.
Unlock the Path to SQL Server Container Modernization with Rancher and DH2i [Ed: SUSE is promoting proprietary Microsoft software that does not even run natively in GNU/Linux]
SUSE guest blog authored by: Don Boxley, Co-Founder and CEO, DX2i SQL Server holds an organization’s most business-critical data assets. Therefore, maximum uptime and security are among the top priorities for the IT teams that manage them. However, industry pressures have these IT pros adding another imperative task to their to-do list: SQL Server modernization.