Open Hardware: Raspberry Pi, SparkFun, Arduino, and More
Preparing young children for a digital world | Hello World #21
Sway Grantham shares how educators can help young children explore technology to learn skills for a digital world, in an article from Hello World 21.
SparkFun “Datalogger IoT – 9DoF” no code platform supports over 50 Qwiic sensor modules
Adnan Hodzic: rpi-microk8s-bootstrap: Automate RPI device conversion into Kubernetes cluster nodes with Terraform
Considering I’ve created my own private cloud in my home as part of: wp-k8s: WordPress on privately hosted Kubernetes cluster (Raspberry Pi 4 + Synology)...
Link.ONE LTE-M, NB-IoT, and LoRaWAN all-in-one LPWAN devkit is programmable with the Arduino IDE
RAKwireless Link.ONE is an all-in-one LPWAN development kit programmable with the Arduino IDE and based on nRF52840 Cortex-M4F 2.4 GHz multi-protocol wireless microcontroller, Semtech SX1262 LoRa RF transceiver, and Quectel BG77 LTE-M and NB-IoT module and comprised of components from the company’s WisBlock IoT prototyping platform.
The Whimsy Artist is a little robot that both creates and destroys art
Many people find the subjectivity of art to be frustrating, but that subjectivity is what makes art interesting. Banksy's self-shredding art piece is a great example of this. The original painting sold at auction for $1.4 million — and then it shredded itself in front of everyone.
These projects from CMU incorporate the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense in clever ways
With an array of onboard sensors, Bluetooth® Low Energy connectivity, and the ability to perform edge AI tasks thanks to its nRF52840 SoC, the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense is a great choice for a wide variety of embedded applications.
Robotic Arm Controlled With Muscle Movement via EMG Signals
Ultimate Robotics is taking robotic arms to the next level with this EMG-controlled robot arm featuring an Arduino.