Programming and Standards
Git migration completed
We are proud to announce that the migration to Git packaging succeeded!
Git migration completed
Rebooting the Carolina Code Conference
The Carolina Code Conference is a welcoming and community-driven “polyglot” conference that’s set to take place in beautiful downtown Greenville, SC on Saturday August 19th, 2023 in the Greenville ONE building. This conference, which returns for the first time since 2019, invites coders of all experience levels to attend, plug into the development community, share their experiences and have a great time as well.
2023-02 Porter-Duff Compositing Operators in R Graphics
This document describes an upate to the behaviour of Porter-Duff compositing operators in R graphics.
Achieve your target
Last week I had to talk my colleagues through the architecture of an R project that we’ve been working on for a while.
Announcing stories.js: Create web stories on your personal website
I am excited to announce stories.js, a HTML component that you can add to your website to create web stories.
Death of TCP predicted: News at 11
The news of TCP's demise in the data centre have been greatly exaggerated.
Watch A Web Page Fetch Itself Over TLS, Complete With Commentary
TLS, byte by byte performs an unusual and interesting function: it fetches itself over HTTPS, and provides a complete annotation of what’s going on in the process, one byte at a time. Visit the site and give the button a click to watch it happen, it’s neat!