LXD 5.13 has been released
The LXD team is very excited to announce the release of LXD 5.13!
This is quite the jam packed release featuring a lot of improvements for those using OVN networks, but also very exciting developments for VM users, including much faster live migration and AMD SEV support. On top of that, we’re also adding OpenID Connect support for user authentication, dedicated network bridges for multi-user environments and a long requested one, the ability to resize storage pools through LXD itself.
For quite a while now LXD has supported live migration of virtual machines. But the way this was done was far from ideal. It was effectively all dependent on LXD’s support for stateful stop, that is, the ability to write down all the memory and CPU state to disk, then fully stop the virtual machine but with the ability to start it back up exactly where it left off.
That means that for live migration, the process was effectively to write down all the memory (potentially several GiBs of it), write down the CPU state, then have the VM exit, move all the state (disk, memory and CPU) to the target system and finally restore it.
Also: LXD 5.13 released