Happy 10th anniversary & Kali's story ...so far
Wednesday 13th, March 2013, 10 years ago, Kali Linux v1.0 was first released. Today we want to celebrate Kali’s 10th anniversary!
Time has flown. And gosh, a lot has changed since then! They grow up so fast!
This is the story of how Kali came to be, and some of the challenges along the way.
Yesterday is History: The Past
How did we get to where we are today? There is a quick answer, and a not so quick answer.
Quick history lesson
It all began in 2004, with Whoppix, a security operating system based on Knoppix. This lead into WHAX in 2005, which used Slax. In 2006, BackTrack Linux happened which was based initially on Slax, then moved to Ubuntu. Every one of these OSes and its changes were done to solve different problems. Using everything which was learnt, Kali Linux was born. A fresh start in March 2013.