Free Software Licensing: Machine Learning and Galileo
Interview: Open source is good for AI but, is AI good for open source?
We're at a weird time with AI and Intellectual Property. Well, IP has been in a weird place since Napster launched at the turn of the century! None of the issues around sharing, remixing, and controlling have been properly resolved. Copyleft is a noble goal - but seems more honour'd in the breach than the observance.
Galileo HASlib Service
Funded by European Commission DG-DEFIS, the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS) distributes and share under the European Union Public Licence the HASlib program, an open-source software package intended to facilitate the implementation of the Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS).
HASlib: an open-source decoder for the Galileo High Accuracy Service
HASlib is available for download at the GitHub platform under the European Union Public License (EUPL). Its design is described in the Master’s thesis by Oliver Horst, and a shorter description can be found in the publication Horst et al. 2022. HASlib was developed in the project Precise and Authentic User Location Analysis (PAULA), funded by European Commission DG-DEFIS contract DEFIS/2020/OP/0002.