Review: Serpent OS, Security Onion 2.3, and Gentoo Live
To me, this all sounds like a similar to design to NixOS, with perhaps a few improvements. I was curious to learn more about Boulder and Moss. Boulder appears to be the distribution's build system for packages. Something more geared toward the developers and people wishing to make new packages for Serpent OS. Moss, on the other hand, seems to be the package manager (or system manager) end-users will run to perform software management. The Serpent OS website describes Moss as follows...
I will admit, when I pictured a Gentoo-based live desktop I was picturing something more bare bones, something that might require configuration or at least launching Plasma from a command line to use. Gentoo has a well earned reputation for manual, hands-on work and configuration. The live media though is quite the opposite - polished, automatic, and effortless to use. I was impressed with this demo of Gentoo's capabilities.