Open Hardware: FigPi, Arduino, SparkFun
Pi-Powered Microcontroller is a Lego Astronaut with an RGB Suit
FigPi runs on an RP2040 chip and has multiple Stemma connectors.
Aspinity AB2 AML100 Arduino Shield supports ultra-low-power analog machine learning
Aspinity AB2 AML100 is an Arduino Shield based on the company's AML100 analog machine learning processor that reduces power consumption by 95 percent compared to equivalent digital ML processors, and the shield works with Renesas Quick-Connect IoT platform or other development platforms with Arduino Uno Rev3 headers. The AML100 analog machine learning processor is said to consume just 15µA for sensor interfacing, signal processing, and decision-making and operates completely within the analog domain offloading most of the work from the microcontroller side that can stay its lowest power state until an event/anomaly is detected.
2023-03-09 How to Build an ML-powered Doorbell Notifier