Hobby Devices and Raspberry Pi
Anonymous [cracks] into Chinese weather balloon that flew over India twice
At the time of publication, the defaced pages were still accessible online. However, in anticipation of the eventual removal of the vandalized pages, Anonymous has created archived versions of the defacement, balloons, and control panel.
Theremin-like Pico H musical instrument
First of all, I had to DuckDuckGo what “theremin” means. To save some of you the same administrative task, I can tell you that it’s named after the person who invented it in 1928 — someone called Leon Theremin — and it’s that eerie-sounding instrument you play by moving your hands near it without touching it.
So, yeah. One of those metal sticks that people wave their hands around rhythmically to coax sound out of. For my money, it’s as close to wizardry as the music world gets.
Using LoRaWAN on RP2040-based microcontrollers with a Semtech SX1276 #LoRa #Rasio #RP2040
pico-lorawan is a library to enable LoRaWAN communications on a Raspberry Pi Pico or any RP2040 based board using a Semtech SX1276 radio module.
Own your cloud with NextcloudPi on the Raspberry Pi
You can now say goodbye to big commercial cloud providers and manage your appointments, contacts, and other data in your own home network. Install NextcloudPi on your Raspberry Pi in less than 30 minutes, synchronize your mobile devices with your own Nextcloud, and gain total digital sovereignty and privacy!
I remember when the first Raspberry Pi hit the market in 2012. My Linux friends and I were absolutely thrilled: a tiny computer, available for little money, but with enough computing power to be useful. It has a fully-fledged Linux system running on it, too! We started all sorts of DIY projects, set up media centers, web servers, blogs, control centers for our smart homes, and even a monitoring solution for bee hives.
Last year in December, I decided to install and run my own cloud on the Raspberry Pi. After some digging around, I settled on NextcloudPi, a ready-made instance of Nextcloud. The open source software runs not only on the Raspberry Pi, but on many other single-board computers and other operating systems.
This article shows how to install and configure NextcloudPi. I also explain how to secure the system and talk about different backup and restore methods.