Software: LibreOffice, Firefox, a2ps, and QCoro
LibreOffice project and community recap: January 2023
Here's our summary of updates, events and activities in the LibreOffice project in the last four weeks....
Meet the LibreOffice community at FOSDEM 2023!
FOSDEM is one of the largest meetups for free and open source software projects. After two years of online events due to the panic, it's back in-person, in Brussels on February 4 and 5! And, of course, LibreOffice and The Document Foundation will be there.
How to have the tech talk with kids, according to TikTok’s ‘Mom Friend’
Cathy Pedrayes earned a following as TikTok’s “Mom Friend” for her practical safety tips – from how to break a car window in an emergency to what not to post on social media. She’s a TV host and has been featured on Today Parents, The Miami Herald, BuzzFeed News, The Bump and Good Morning America. Her book, “The Mom Friend Guide to Everyday Safety and Security,” was published last year.
Pocket kicks off 2023 with new and expanded publisher partnerships
The Pocket editorial and product teams have been busy over the past couple of months to continue delivering the great experience Pocket users have come to expect. Here’s a breakdown of what’s new at Pocket, starting with our newest and returning publisher partnerships, followed by the latest updates to Pocket Android.
a2ps @ Savannah: a2ps 4.14.94 released [alpha]
Another alpha release, some more tweaks and tidy-ups.
Here are the compressed sources and a GPG detached signature:
Use a mirror for higher download bandwidth:
Here are the SHA1 and SHA256 checksums:
1c99e0200ed0d93119ad6ab54a4735692dbb6d26 a2ps-4.14.94.tar.gz
3+mUXOzeILDgtP08dCJjPI2BL5px92ndCH27qjW1RPI a2ps-4.14.94.tar.gz
The SHA256 checksum is base64 encoded, instead of the
hexadecimal encoding that most checksum tools default to.
Use a .sig file to verify that the corresponding file (without the
.sig suffix) is intact. First, be sure to download both the .sig file
and the corresponding tarball. Then, run a command like this:
gpg --verify a2ps-4.14.94.tar.gz.sig
The signature should match the fingerprint of the following key:
pub rsa2048 2013-12-11 [SC]
2409 3F01 6FFE 8602 EF44 9BB8 4C8E F3DA 3FD3 7230
uid Reuben Thomas
If that command fails because you don't have the required public key,
or that public key has expired, try the following commands to retrieve
or refresh it, and then rerun the 'gpg --verify' command.
gpg --locate-external-key
gpg --recv-keys 4C8EF3DA3FD37230
wget -q -O- '' | gpg --import -
As a last resort to find the key, you can try the official GNU
wget -q
gpg --keyring gnu-keyring.gpg --verify a2ps-4.14.94.tar.gz.sig
This release was bootstrapped with the following tools:
Autoconf 2.71
Automake 1.16.5
Gnulib v0.1-5639-g80b225fe1e
* Noteworthy changes in release 4.14.94 (2023-01-31) [alpha]
* Features:
- Replace the 'psmandup' utility with simpler 'lp2' to directly print
documents to a simplex printer.
- Remove the outdated 'psset' and 'fixnt', and simplify 'fixps' to
always process its input with Ghostscript.
* Documentation
- Remove some obsolete explanations.
* Build
- Minor tidy up and removal of obsolete code.
QCoro 0.8.0 Release Announcement
This is a rather small release with only two new features and one small improvement.