BSD Stories/Updates
The OSs I use most often
I’ve waxed lyrical about my operating systems I prefer to use, including the BSDs and plenty of ancient systems for nostalgic pointlessness. But what about what I actually run most often on a daily basis for work and personal activities?
Re: Live stick / cd from official sources
I don't think that there is much of a need for an 'official' live image, because it's so easy to do a full installation of OpenBSD to a USB flash drive.
Execute-only status report
Theo de Raadt (deraadt@) posted to tech@ a status report (and 2 test programs) regarding execute-only (xonly). The report begins: [...]
Console screendumps
As part of her efforts in developing patches for the console (many of which have been committed recently), Crystal Kolipe created some patches for taking screenshots of the OpenBSD console.
Coding new ioctls to produce screendumps from the console
Since the console is character-based, there are actually two ways that we can record the information displayed at any moment: [...]