Programming Leftovers
A small Rust program - Sam Thursfield
I wrote a small program in Rust called cba_blooper. Its purpose is to download files from this funky looper pedal called the Blooper.
It’s the first time I finished a program in Rust. I find Rust programming a nice experience, after a couple of years of intermittent struggle to adapt my existing mental programming models to Rust’s conventions.
When I finished the tool I was surprised by the output size – initially a 5.6MB binary for a tool that basically just calls into libasound to read and write MIDI. I followed the excellent min-sized-rust guide and got that down to 1.4MB by fixing some obvious mistakes such as actually stripping the binary and building in release mode. But 1.4MB still seems quite big.
Getting A Random Number in Python? Easier Than You Think #python #coding #programming - Invidious
My Favorite Modules: PerlIO::via | Tom Wyant []
OK, I confess: PerlIO::via is not a module that I use every day. It allows you, easily, and with minimal code, to modify an I/O stream before it gets to the reader of the stream. or after the writer has written it. All you do is write (say) My::Module conforming to the parts of the PerlIO::via interface you need, and provide it to the second argument of open() or binmode() as ':via(My::Module)'. How cool is that? And how cool is a language that lets you do that with a minimum of fuss, bother, and code?
I encountered this when trying to modify (OK, hack) the behavior of a large and complex hunk of Perl not under my control. Rummaging around in this turned up the fact that all file input went through a single module/object, which had an open() method. I realized if I could insert my own PerlIO layer into the input stream, I would have control over what the victim host code saw.
In the true spirit of the Conan the Barbarian school of programming ("Bash it until it submits!") I wrote a PerlIO::via module whose import() method monkey-patched the open() to insert my layer into the stack. All I had to do was launch the host code with -MMy::Module and the dirty deed was done.
Nibble Stew: Typesetting an entire book part V: Getting it published
Writing a book is not that difficult. Sure, it is laborious, but if you merely keep typing away day after day, eventually you end up with a manuscript. Writing a book that is "good" or one that other people would want to read is a lot harder. Still, even that is easy compared to trying to get a book published. According to various unreferenced sources on the Internet, out of all manuscripts submitted only 1 in 1000 to 1 in 10 000 gets accepted for publication. Probabilitywise this is roughly as unlikely casting five dice and getting six with all of them.
Having written a manuscript I went about tying to get it published. The common approach in most countries is that first you have to pitch your manuscript to a literary agent, and if you succeed, they will then try to pitch it to publishers. In Finland the the procedure is simpler, anyone can submit their manuscripts directly to book publishing houses without a middle man. While this makes things easier, it does not help with deciding how much the manuscript should be polished before submission. The more you polish the bigger your chances of getting published, but the longer it takes and the more work you have to do if the publisher wants to make changes to the content.
Escaping characters in translation strings in initrd
Socorro Engineering: 2022 retrospective | Will's Blog
2022 took forever. At the same time, it kind of flew by. 2023 is already moving along, so this post is a month late. Here's the retrospective of Socorro engineering in 2022.
Google Summer of Code 2023 Now Accepting Applications for Mentor Organizations
Applications are now being accepted for mentor organizations to participate in Google Summer of Code 2023 (GSoC).
According to the announcement, Google has set a goal of welcoming 30+ new organizations into the GSoC program. If you’re interested in participating, check out the mentor guide to learn what is involved. New organizations are also encouraged “to get a referral from experienced organizations that think they would be a good fit to participate in GSoC,” the announcement says.