Programming Leftovers
Where should we use script tag in the HTML ?
By using the End Approach you will not get any error in the JS code on the console of the browser and all the element tags are found by the DOM API that is present in the HTML code.
You Can (Somewhat) Reliably Measure Change Failure Rate
In the State of the dora DevOps Metrics in 2022 Logan claims that change failure rate cannot be measured consistently across an organisation. I disagree.
Verifiable Software Development Estimations
I have long wanted to write this article but I never knew how to structure it. I still don’t, but I’ll give it a shot anyway. Like in the past few articles, there’s some probability theory underlying this article, but I will gloss over it entirely to make it approachable for practically-minded people.
Programmers and Non-Coding Work
I often hear people say that
“A good manager is one who shields me from non-coding work”
where non-coding work can be things like office politics, budgeting, decisions regarding product direction, technical pre-sales, internal support, being on call for production incidents, etc. I get why that happens. Programming is the fun part. All the other stuff around it that actually delivers value to customers is not as fun, for a lot of people. There are three reasons I think this is the wrong way to go, as tempting as it sounds. -
Formalizing f-strings
The new PEP sets out ""to lift some of the restrictions originally formulated in PEP 498 and to provide a formalized grammar for f-strings that can be integrated into the parser directly"". It notes that the restrictions were set to be removed in PEP536 ("Final Grammar for Literal String Interpolation") but that PEP, written in2016, has never been implemented and was deferred in2019. In addition to removing the restriction on reusing the f-string quote delimiter within expressions, as mentioned above, the new PEP would dispense with a few other restrictions: escape sequences using backslashes would be permitted in the expressions as would comments in multi-line f-strings. The following examples would work as expected if PEP701 gets adopted: [...]
End-to-end testing with shinytest2
Here, we will write a simple shiny app (as an R package) and show how to generate tests for this app using {shinytest2}. As discussed in the previous post, {shinytest2} tests your app as if a user was interacting with it in their browser. The tests generated are application-focussed rather than component-focussed and so give some overall guarantees on how the app should behave.
This post is slightly more technical than the last, and assumes that the reader is comfortable with creating and unit-testing packages in R, and with shiny development in general.
Fast-Track Your Next Move with R -
DataCamp is an online data learning platform for all levels. Whether you’ve never written a line in R, you’re working to become a Data Scientist / Analyst with R, or you simply want to bring forward your promotion and add in-demand skills to your resume—upskill today to put your future into your own hands.
Across 22 R skill tracks and six R career tracks—alongside 400+ interactive courses covering all major data technologies—DataCamp offers learners a career-advancing upskilling solution, regardless of starting point or professional goals. To validate your skills and stand out to employers, all learners have access to Forbes’ #1 ranked Certification program, which elevates certified learners to the top 5% of all DataCamp job searches. From entry-level courses to advanced technical courses in Machine Learning, applied finance, data manipulation, and so much more, DataCamp’s hands-on learning and bite-sized lessons make upskilling efficient and flexible for your career ambitions. Upskill Now For Less – Exclusive to January, DataCamp is offering its Premium Learn subscription—unlimited access to all of the above and more—up to 67% off for an entire year. Go from zero to job-ready in 2023 and put your future in your own hands to thrive in the era of data. Start Now
Dplyr-style without dplyr - Michael’s and Christian's Blog
One of the reasons why we love the “dplyr” package: it plays so well together with the forward pipe operator `%>%` from the “magrittr” package. Actually, it is not a coincidence that both packages were released quite at the same time, in 2014.
MRAN Time Machine will be retired on July 1 (Revolutions)
One purpose of MRAN was to distribute Microsoft R Open, which was discontinued in 2021. MRAN has also served since 2014 as the repository of a daily archive of CRAN packages. Some R users may still be using these static CRAN snapshots as a default CRAN repository for R scripts either directly, via the checkpoint package, or via older images of the rocker/r-ver container. If this affects you, you will need to find or create a new source of the package archive before MRAN's retirement.
Check whether any values of a logical vector are TRUE
Check whether any values of a logical vector are TRUE, this will demonstrate how to utilize all and any R functions in this lesson.
Since the R syntax and usage of the two functions are almost identical, I’m going to include them both in this article.
rOpenSci | {targets} in Action · Community Call
The {targets} package is a pipeline tool for Statistics and data science in R. With {targets}, you can maintain a reproducible workflow without repeating yourself. {targets} learns how your pipeline fits together, skips costly runtime for tasks that are already up to date, runs only the necessary computation, supports implicit parallel computing, abstracts files as R objects, and shows tangible evidence that the results match the underlying code and data.
On this call Will, Eric and Joel will share their experience putting {targets} into action. Eric will share with us Using {targets} with HPC and Joel will talk about Using {targets} for bioinformatics pipelines, then Will will demonstrate Debugging {targets} pipelines.
progressr 0.13.0: cli - progressr = ♥
progressr 0.13.0 is on CRAN. In the recent releases, progressr gained support for using cli to generate progress bars. Vice versa, cli can now report on progress via the progressr framework. Here are the details. For other updates to progressr, see NEWS.
The progressr package, part of the futureverse, provides a minimal API for reporting progress updates in R. The design is to separate the representation of progress updates from how they are presented. What type of progress to signal is controlled by the developer. How these progress updates are rendered is controlled by the end user. For instance, some users may prefer visual feedback, such as a horizontal progress bar in the terminal, whereas others may prefer auditory feedback. The progressr package works also when processing R in parallel or distributed using the future framework.
Applications of Data Science in Education - Data Science Tutorials
Applications of Data Science in Education, Data Science has spread its branches across several essential fields in today’s world.
It has emerged as a global phenomenon that has revolutionized industries and significantly improved their performance.
In fact, Data Science has expanded its scope to include education. Previously, we saw numerous Data Science Applications.
Today, we’ll talk about the value of data science in education. We will also look at how it transforms learning through the use of a case study.