Hardware: 8086, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, SparkFun
Counting the transistors in the 8086 processor: it's harder than you might think
What are these potential transistor sites? ROMs are typically constructed as a grid of cells, with a transistor at a cell for a 1 bit, and no transistor for a 0 bit.2 In the 8086, transistors are created or not through the pattern of silicon doping. The photo below shows a closeup of the silicon layer for part of the 8086's microcode ROM. The empty regions are undoped silicon, while the other regions are doped silicon. Transistor gates are formed where vertical polysilicon lines (removed for the photo) passed over the doped silicon. Thus, depending on the data encoded into the ROM during manufacturing, the number of transistors varies.
Sensor glove for sign language translation
All the data from sensors are then processed by the Arduino Nano, which involves IF/ELSE, AND, and OR logical combinations of all the sensor outputs in order to match the resultant output with pre-stored values of different signs regarding the alphabets. For this, appropriate ranges are set for each alphabet and the words that can be recognized with a single hand based on the measured data obtained from repeated measurements. The HC-05 Bluetooth module is connected to Arduino NANO. The processed data are then transferred to the Bluetooth module (transmitter) in string format. The Android mobile also has an inbuilt Bluetooth capability. These two Bluetooth devices are then paired, and the string is transmitted to the Android application.
Did I close the garage door? Let Raspberry Pi check for you
Two Raspberry Pi Pico W microcontrollers drive this build. One lives inside the garage and controls the door sensors. The other lives inside the house and indicates what state the garage door is in.
The Pico W inside the garage is connected to two Hall effect sensors attached to different parts of the door opening mechanism. These register whether the door is open or closed.
Come and Get Your Sensors
Bosch Sensortec Announces Tiny Particulate Matter Sensor to Monitor Air Quality
In addition to being tiny, the BMV080 measures both indoor air quality and outdoor air quality; is fanless; and is silent - all of this makes it high quality but nonintrusive. It is ideal for projects and designs that are compact, but require information about particulate concentration levels.