today's howtos
How to Only List the Files and Not the Directories in Linux
In Linux, we use the “ls” command to navigate through directories for files. Listing all the files and folders in Linux is a common command. But occasionally, we must only list the files and not the folders. In that case, this command does not work. To only list the files using the “ls” command, we need to write “ls *.txt”. But this command works if we need to only list the text files since this command only lists the text files. If we need to list all the files and not only the text files, this command becomes useless. For that purpose, Linux provides us with many options. To list all the files in a specific directory only, we use the following methods:
How To Make Calendar with LibreOffice Calc
This tutorial will show you the exercise of making calendars with LibreOffice Calc. It works with multilingual translations automatically so you can easily print ones with English, Indonesian, German, Chinese, Japanese and other languages. Now let's exercise.
How To Make Bulletin with LibreOffice Writer
This tutorial will help you to create bulletin with LibreOffice Writer. You will make one with example documents you can download below. We name it "Humanity", will use Wikipedia article as source text, and simply use available fonts on Ubuntu like Ubuntu Font as well as FreeSerif. Now let's exercise!
How to ship docker logs to Grafana Loki using Docker plugin
Grafana Loki officially supports a Docker plugin that will read logs from Docker containers and ship them to Loki. This guide assumes that you have grafana loki up and running. If not, checkout these guides: How to run Grafana Loki with docker and docker-compose How to run Grafana Loki with Helm and kustomize in kubernetes...
How to install Code Server on Ubuntu 22.04
In this post, you will learn how to install Code Server on Ubuntu 22.04, so you will have your IDE in the cloud for your many projects. The procedure is simple, so let’s go for it.
My thoughts about the Tai-Hao Sunshine Nordic ISO keycaps | Hund
This is not a sponsored post. The keycaps has been paid for in full by my partner.
How to Enable Snap Support in Linux Mint
Linux Mint doesn't ship with snapd by default, and that's an improvement over the Ubuntu base for many users. But what if you fancy snaps and want to install them on Linux Mint?
Maybe you want to bring back the ease of installation and portability snaps bring to the table. Or perhaps, you need to install software that's only available from the Snap Store.
Whatever the reason is, enabling Snap support on Linux mint is quite easy.