Programming Leftovers
Quickly checking that a string belongs to a small set
Suppose that I give you a set of reference strings (“ftp”, “file”, “http”, “https”, “ws”, “wss”). Given a new string, you want to quickly tell whether it is part of this set.
Day 16 (Advent of Code 2022)
It seems like we'll want to do a little graph traversal here. My idea is: knowing how many turns we have left, find the valve we should open, or in other words, the valve that, once we travel to it and open it, will release the most pressure total.
Online Gesture Sensor Demo using WASM
If you’ve heard me on any podcasts recently, you might remember I’ve been talking about a Gesture Sensor as the follow up to our first Person Sensor module. One frustrating aspect of building hardware solutions is that it’s very tough to share prototypes with people, since you usually have to physically send them a device. To work around that problem, we’ve been experimenting with compiling the same C++ code we use on embedded systems to WASM, a web-friendly intermediate representation that runs in all modern browsers. By hooking up the webcam as an input, instead of the camera, and displaying the output dynamically on a web page, we can provide a decent approximation to how the final device will work. There are obviously some differences, the webcam is going to produce higher-quality images than an embedded camera module and the latency will vary, but it’s been a great tool for prototyping. I also hope it will help spark makers’ and manufacturers’ imaginations, so we’ve released it publicly at
2022 FPV Contest: ESP32-Powered FPV Car Uses Javascript For VR Magic
You don’t always need much to build an FPV rig – especially if you’re willing to take advantage of the power of modern smartphones. [joe57005] is showing off his VR FPV build – a fully-printable small Mechanum wheels car chassis, equipped with an ESP32-CAM board serving a 720×720 stream through WiFi. The car uses regular 9g servos to drive each wheel, giving you omnidirectional movement wherever you want to go. An ESP32 CPU and a single low-res camera might not sound like much if you’re aiming for a VR view, and all the ESP32 does is stream the video feed over WebSockets – however, the simplicity is well-compensated for on the frontend.
Turn A Webpage Into A Desktop App With Gluon
Electron is software for running web-written apps in the same way as native ones, and has gotten plenty of bad press for its RAM appetite around these parts. But while the execution might leave something to be desired, the concept itself is quite solid — if you’ve already got code written for the web, a quick and easy way to bring it over to the desktop would be very valuable.
Why Did The OpenSSL Punycode Vulnerability Happen
Some room-temperature takes on yesterday's not-quite-RCE vulnerabilities in OpenSSL 3.0, and on what there is to learn about safe cryptography engineering.
Web Scraping with Python: Everything you need to know (2022)
In this post, which can be read as a follow-up to our guide about web scraping without getting blocked, we will cover almost all of the tools to do web scraping in Python. We will go from the basic to advanced ones, covering the pros and cons of each. Of course, we won't be able to cover every aspect of every tool we discuss, but this post should give you a good idea of what each tool does and when to use one.