Programming Leftovers
What’s new in the Rust programming language | InfoWorld
Rust was designed to make it easy to develop fast and safe system-level software. Here’s what’s new.
Where to learn about Java from Red Hat | Red Hat Developer
You've found a great place for Java programming 101 content. In this article, we've gathered the highest-performing articles from the past year on this topic on Red Hat Developer. This article introduces you to all things related to Java, from its essential business benefits to the most modern frameworks and tools.
How to Connect MongoDB Database in Python - TecAdmin
MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that is widely used for storing and manipulating large amounts of data. It is known for its flexibility, scalability, and performance, making it a great choice for a variety of applications.
In this article, we will look at how to connect to a MongoDB database in Python using the `pymongo` library, which is a MongoDB driver for Python. We will also cover some basic operations such as inserting data, querying the database, and updating documents.
Programming with Python Programming Language - OSNote
Python is an increasingly popular programming language that offers a high degree of flexibility and power. It’s become a staple language for software developers, data scientists, machine learning experts, and more. But what makes Python such an appealing choice when it comes to developing software?
In this article, we’ll take a look at why Python programming language is the right choice when it comes to learning to program.
Automatic Art | lichtkind []
As always you can install it from CPAN and you will need WxPerl even if I should probably switch to Prima. The usage is a simplified version of the Harmonograph and well documented o let me just present the basic idea: we have just a row of cellular automata - like described by Stephen Wolfram in "A new kind of science". These are simplest possible function, that take their state (integer between 0 and M [default 1]) and the states of their neighbouring cells (N) as input and produce a new state in the next round. The interaction of functionally independent cells can result in surprising complexity. And that is what fascinated Stephen and that is what we employ here to draw images.
To get maximal result you can set the number for M and the size of the neighbourhood. (Even size do not include the cell itself). You can defined the starting values and if the cell build a ring (first and last are connected). Another option are the action rules, which are also described in the book. These determine if the is even allowed to change its value this round. This adds another layer complexity on top.
I am jumping my Web pages from 2007 to 2022(now). | kido_mitsuru []
Hi Everyone, especially Web-Casting Programmers !!
Naturally I encountered various problems. When I moved from an old computer platform Compaq-Evo with Fedora Core 7 (2007 Red Hat LINUX) to a newer Ubuntu and Rocky 9.1 (2022) as Web-Casting, Web codes encounters various errors and weird displays on the screen. I have to fix all the problems one by one. O.K. let me start one question. Will you help me if you have similar experience. In my case this is a big jump from 2007 -> to 2022.
Here is my first question . HELP me !
When I tested PERL script at Rocky 9.1, I needed to have the command "perl" in front of excitable script filename.
Elizabeth Mattijsen: The 2022 Raku Advent Blog
C++ 23 Standard Won’t Have a Key Parallelism Feature - The New Stack
The next version of the C++ standard coming up next year won’t have a key feature that makes it easier to write code for execution in parallel computing environments.
The C++ 2023 standard won’t have an asynchronous algorithm feature called senders and receivers, which will allow for simultaneous execution of code on a system with multiple chips such as CPUs and GPUs.
“The goal there is maybe to try to get it into the working draft next year — the [C++ 26] working draft — so once it’s there, then people will take it a lot more seriously,” said Nevin Liber, a computer scientist at the Argonne National Laboratory’s Advanced Leadership Facility, and a C++ committee member, during a break-out session at last month’s Supercomputing 2022 conference in Dallas.