Where is My Librem 5? Part 2
Earlier this year I wrote a post titled Where is My Librem 5? where I went into detail about some of the challenges (in particular in the supply chain) that we faced in making the mass-produced Librem 5. If you haven’t yet read that article, I highly recommend it so you have more background on our Librem 5 production challenges. Understanding that will help you understand this post better.
The main purpose of that article was to give a general status report on where we are, and where we intended to go to finish shipping everyone their Librem 5. In particular I identified three different production batches (E3, E4, and E5) that were necessary to complete all outstanding orders, and shared our internal goal to try to fulfill all of the orders by the end of the year. While we haven’t met that goal in that time frame, many people have received their Librem 5, and we are well on our way. In this post I will give an update on where we are currently and what the next few months will look like for Librem 5 fulfillment.