Programming Leftovers
Deploying to Linux with CMake
A while ago, I blogged about our CMake deployment API that allows you to enhance the cmake --install step with instructions that deploy Qt libraries, plugins and assets. At the time of writing, Linux was not supported yet. But not anymore: Qt 6.5 comes with deployment support for Linux!
Static vs Dynamic Libraries - What's the Difference?
Static libraries and dynamic libraries comprise a group of compiled object files. An object file results from the compilation of a C program.
The object files are used for multiple programs. Static and dynamic libraries share a common purpose, which is to provide reusable code and data that are shareable with different programs.
The return of lazy imports for Python []
Back in September, we looked at a Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP) to add "lazy" imports to the language; the execution of such an import would be deferred until its symbols were needed in order to save program-startup time. While the problem of startup time for short-running, often command-line-oriented, tools is widely acknowledged in the Python community, and the idea of deferring imports is generally popular, there are concerns about the effect of the feature on the ecosystem as a whole. Since our article, the PEP has been revised and discussed further, but the feature was recently rejected by the steering council (SC) because of those concerns; that has not completely ended the quest for lazy imports, however.
Eliminating harmful digital technologies in universities: a guide
Modern institutions are rife with tech that disenfranchises, dehumanises, excludes and even bullies students and teachers. It’s high time for a rethink, says Andy Farnell
Resistance, Change, and Freedom: Reflecting on 2022
Every end of year calls for reflection. In 2022, censorship and control of information has increased all around the world. I’m thinking about how we’ve seen setbacks in the world’s fight for human rights coming from all directions, like the wave of attacks on reproductive rights that has placed millions of people at risk, and how privacy and freedom online have been critical lifelines for many.
In the midst of these setbacks, 2022 has also been a year of resistance. In the Tor world, we’re currently resisting a DDoS attack on the Tor network. During the time we have been working hard to protect the network and mitigate the impact of this attack, organizations and supporters have come together to demonstrate their support for Tor. Our community has raised awareness about the issue and collectively contributed necessary funds to hire more developers for our network team.
New Alpha Release: Tor Browser 12.5a1 (Android, Windows, macOS, Linux)
Tor Browser 12.5a1 is now available from the Tor Browser download page and also from our distribution directory.
Tor Browser 12.5a1 updates Firefox on Android, Windows, macOS, and Linux to 102.6.0esr.
Chumby Gets New Kernel… Soon
If you missed the Chumby, we’re sorry. They were relatively inexpensive Linux appliances that acted as a clock, Internet radio, and feed reader. The company went belly up, although there was some functionality remaining thanks to one of the founders and now, for a subscription fee, you can still keep your Chumby operating. However, [Doug Brown] bought one with the goal of using it for his own applications. But the 2.6.28 kernel is showing its age. So he decided to push a new kernel on the device.
How to Run a Linux Command Without Keeping It in History
Each command executed in your Linux terminal is being recorded by your shell (referring to Bash) in a separate file (like “~/.bash_history“) that you can view using the history command.
For most Linux distributions, the number of commands that should be recorded and number of results will be displayed on output is set using the “HISTFILESIZE” and “HISTSIZE” variables.
Execute the following command to check your history buffer.
BSD Now 486: EuroBSDcon interviews
This special episode features two interviews we did at EuroBSDcon in Vienna this year. We talk with FreeBSD developers about how they got started, their current projects and more. Also, consider donating to your favorite BSD Foundation to keep the projects going.
6 Kubernetes articles every open source enthusiast should read |
We learned a lot about Kubernetes in 2022. It seems every year, Kubernetes gets better and better. For all those beginners out there, this year's coverage is wide-ranging and detailed, including a couple of new eBooks. This article covers what I found to be the best Kubernetes articles of 2022. From visual maps to personal journeys, these articles definitely shine a light on the power of Kubernetes. So let's get started with my favorite ones.
DROPLET irrigation system works with ESPhome and Home assistant - CNX Software
When PricelessToolkit failed to find an affordable (indoor) irrigation system that works with Home Assistant and ESPHome, he built the DROPLET board based on ESP32 wireless SoC and supporting up to five micro-pumps and soil moisture sensors.
The board also comes with switches to manually control the pump, a built-in DS18B20 temperature sensor, a buzzer, and a I/O header to connect an expansion header for relay control, I2C, GPIOs, and an external DS18B20 temperature sensor.