Programming Leftovers
Meta-quirky Kirkstone git repository created [Ed: Outsourcing to Microsoft proprietary prison some more]
This is based on the Kirkstone 4.0 release of OpenEmbedded/Yocto, iteration 4.0.5.
As reported, it took four 24-hour days and three hours, a long time, but more experimenting is planned to reduce that.
Anyway, won't have to do a complete recompile for awhile. If any individual package needs to be recompiled, or a new package added, it can be done without a complete recompile.
Git Commands Cheatsheet - buildVirtual
Welcome to my Git Commands Cheatsheet!
SpiderMonkey Newsletter (Firefox 108-109) | SpiderMonkey JavaScript/WebAssembly Engine
SpiderMonkey is the JavaScript engine used in Mozilla Firefox. This newsletter gives an overview of the JavaScript and WebAssembly work we’ve done as part of the Firefox 108 and 109 Nightly release cycles.
Good Commit Messages Give Devs Meaning, Purpose - openSUSE News
Adding clarity to commit messages significantly helps fellow developers, and this short blog will share some best practices for writing quality commit messages for openSUSE and open-source contributions.
Commit messages communicate vital information between team members, and since open-source software is one big team focusing on open collaboration, it’s imperative to communicate context in these messages.
The “Why?” may be obvious to you now, but it might not be to others; especially those who might not even be involved yet with your code. Well-crafted commit messages help developers remember aspects of a previous commit and help future developers understand what changed and the purpose for the change.
Godot Engine - Status of the OpenGL 3 renderer
Last year we announced that we were planning on creating an OpenGL-based renderer to complement the current Vulkan-based renderers. At that time, we thought that we wouldn't have it ready until 4.1. However, we are now confident that we will be shipping 4.0 with an OpenGL-based renderer; it just won't be feature complete. As a reminder, an OpenGL-based renderer is still crucial so we can support older platforms, and Web export. There is a Vulkan-like web API called WebGPU in development, but it currently isn't widely supported yet, so WebGL remains the best option for targetting web games.
At the time of writing this article, all planned 2D features and most basic 3D functionalities are now supported by the OpenGL 3 renderer. As it is much newer, the OpenGL 3 renderer hasn't been tested as widely as the Vulkan-based renderer. We expect it will have more bugs for the time being.
Our goal is for the OpenGL 3 renderer to have broad compatibility and good performance on a wide range of hardware. Accordingly, it won't receive all the fancy new features that the Vulkan-based renderers bring.
How to Set Session Timeout in PHP: A Guide for Newbies - TecAdmin
As a web developer, you might need to create websites with user logins, comment sections, and other features that require users to keep their accounts active. As such, it’s important to implement a way of limiting the time that users can spend on your website. This is called setting session timeout in PHP. Without this restriction, users can stay logged in on your website indefinitely.
This blog post will explain what session timeout in PHP is and why you would need it. Then we’ll provide step-by-step instructions for implementing session timeout in your own website projects. So keep reading to learn more!
More Flexibility for Workflows in the OBS and SCM Integration - Open Build Service
Right in time for the holiday season, we have prepared you a gift for the continuous integration between OBS and SCMs. We are introducing placeholder variables and for your workflows configuration files, a customizable location. Let’s see how this new flexibility helps you in your work.
Whenever a webhook event comes in, OBS downloads the workflows configuration file and parses it. This was previously static, but you can now use placeholder variables to tell OBS to replace them with data from the webhook event payload.
Dirk Eddelbuettel: RcppDE 0.1.7 on CRAN: Several Updates
RcppDE is a “port” of DEoptim, a popular package for derivative-free optimisation using differential evolution optimization, from plain C to C++. By using RcppArmadillo the code becomes a lot shorter and more legible. Our other main contribution is to leverage some of the excellence we get for free from using Rcpp, in particular the ability to optimise user-supplied compiled objective functions which can make things a lot faster than repeatedly evaluating interpreted objective functions as DEoptim does (and which, in fairness, most other optimisers do too). The gains can be quite substantial.
This Python Code Should Be Illegal, Do This Instead - Invidious
Writing Python code like this is bad practice, use list comprehensions instead
Python - How to find local IP address - TecAdmin
An IP address is a unique identifier that computers use to communicate with each other on a network. It stands for Internet Protocol, and it’s a set of numbers that identify each device connected to a network. Without an IP address, your computer wouldn’t be able to access the internet. It’s essential for communication between computers and networks, as it helps to direct data to the right place. An IP address is like a street address for your computer — it’s how computers can find each other. Every computer on the internet has a unique IP address,
Day 21: Raku and I: Journey begin - Raku Advent Calendar
It has been ages since I last blogged about Raku. The only time, I have blogged about when I took part in The Weekly Challenge . But then this also changed recently as I finally found time to contribute to the weekly fun challenges but no blogging still.
I would say it is all about my mental state, since I have so much to talk about. Recently I was approached by a very dear friend and senior member of Raku Community if I am interested in contributing to the Raku Advent Calendar 2022 . So as you guessed it rightly so, I have a compelling reason to get back to blogging.