today's leftovers
Updates for Chromium (-ungoogled also), LibreOffice, Java | Alien Pastures
Around the last weekend I worked on several package updates. In the meantime I had to battle home infrastructure breakdown, as well as the realization that I had inadvertantly opened up my SMTP server as an open relay and had to do some fast infrastructure redesign
Shadow DOM and accessibility: the trouble with ARIA
Shadow DOM is a kind of retcon for the web. As I’ve written in the past, shadow DOM upends a lot of developer expectations and invalidates many tried-and-true techniques that worked fine in the pre-shadow DOM world. One potentially surprising example is ARIA.
Quick recap: shadow DOM allows you to isolate parts of your DOM into encapsulated chunks – typically one per component. Meanwhile, ARIA is an accessibility primitive, which defines attributes like aria-labelledby and aria-describeddby that can reference other elements by their IDs.
Do you see the problem yet? If not, I don’t blame you ‒ this is a tricky intersection of various web technologies. Unfortunately though, if you want to use shadow DOM without breaking accessibility, then this is one of the things you will have to grapple with. So let’s dive in.
Commissioner Johannes Hahn on the Interoperable Europe Act Proposal
Public administrations are often described as very big ships that need time to move. My vision is rather one of a diverse fleet of boats navigating together, with agility, around all obstacles along the way. What facilitates this is interoperability.
South African MSPs jump on board with SUSE | SUSE Communities
South African Managed Service Provider (MSP) resellers (distribution partners), Axiz and Linux Warehouse, hosted two very successful Partner day events on October 18th and 19th. The days focused on the growing market for SUSE solutions as a service, being delivered via MSPs to meet evolving customer requirements. Bring together over 45 C-Level MSP delegates, the days provided very informative discussion around building managed services with SUSE technologies, and how this has accelerated business growth. With representatives from both newly on-boarded and established MSPs, there was some great interaction and sharing of how to leverage the SUSE One Partner Program to unlock new opportunities.
The events were able to demonstrate how MSPs can monetize the SUSE Solution Stack and the benefits of partnering with SUSE. The event concluded with new opportunities for pipeline building and identifying joint customers as a focus for FY23.
Mercedes Puts Faster Acceleration Behind A Subscription Paywall
Back in July, BMW raised a bit of a ruckus when the company announced that it would be making heated seats a luxury option for an additional $18 per month. Now, Mercedes aims to take the concept one step further by announcing that buyers of the company’s new Mercedes EQ electric models will need to pay a $1,200 (plus taxes and fees) yearly subscription to unlock the vehicles’ full performance.