Canonical/Ubuntu: Ubuntu Summit 2022, LXQt, and Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter
Ubuntu Summit 2022 Reflections | Ubuntu
A big thanks for participating in the Ubuntu Summit! While Canonical hosted the first ever Ubuntu Summit (similar but different to the Ubuntu Developer Summits of old), it is the people—the sum of its parts—who collectively create the body of the community. We could not have had such a successful event without physical and remote participation, so thank you!
This event was to bring the broader open-source community together to share experiences, ideas, and to inspire future exciting projects. To that end, we have succeeded. With five talk tracks and two workshop tracks—all in parallel—many folks often wished they could be in multiple places at one time! There was high attendance and engagement across the board, which is energizing in and of itself!
Lubuntu 22.04 Backports PPA Released With LXQt 1.2 - Lubuntu
The Lubuntu Team is happy to announce that the Lubuntu Backports PPA with LXQt 1.2 is now available for general use. You can find details on enabling it below.
The Fridge: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 763
Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 763
Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 763 for the week of November 20 – 26, 2022.