Security Leftovers
iTWire - Proofpoint says threat actor deploying malicious code on media sites
Proofpoint says threat actor deploying malicious code on media sites More than 250 regional and national newspaper sites in the US have accessed malicious JavaScript that is being created by an actor known as TA569, the email security firm Proofpoint claims.
In a tweet thread, the company's Threat Insight unit said the media company that was serving as the host for this malicious code served content to its partners using JavaScript.
"The actual number of impacted hosts is known only by the impacted media company," Proofpoint tweeted.
Librem Key Goodies (Part 1)
The Librem Key comes preloaded with the PureBoot bundle to protect your firmware. While it’s good at protecting your boot firmware, that’s only some of what it can do.
You can also encrypt your computer’s file system, auto lock on removal, and encrypt local documents just to get started.
iTWire - Ransomware booming if one goes by Lockbit founder member's claims
Ransomware is a booming business judging by the claim made by a founding member of the Lockbit group that he owns three restaurants in China and two in New York.
A threat researcher who goes by the pseudonym vx-underground conducted an interview with this individual who claims to be a veteran of the ransomware scene.
Lockbit was founded on 3 September 2019 and the person interviewed said it had pentesters, developers, money launderers, testers and negotiators among its members.
The individual said Lockbit was founded by a team of more than 10 people, adding that drug use was often an issue in ransomware groups, with cocaine or marijuana being the most common drugs abused.