Programming Leftovers, Mostly R
Hillshade, colors and marginal plots with tidyterra (I) | One world
This is the first post of a series of two, showing how to overlay a SpatRaster on top of a Hillshade background. Next post would show how to add marginal plots including information of the values of the raster by longitude and latitude. See more posts on tidyterra
rOpenSci | Maintain or Co-Maintain an rOpenSci Package!
The rOpenSci suite of packages is mainly composed of packages contributed by the community through peer-review, but also includes some packages maintained by staff. Over time, the commitments and availability of the original developers of a package can change. This leads to some maintainers stepping down from their maintainer role, or other maintainers looking to lower their workload through more teamwork and therefore looking for co-maintainers. We’re so grateful for all our community maintainers and want to make sure that they feel good about the work they do and not burdened by the responsibility. This is why we started conducting annual maintainer surveys, to ensure that maintainers feel supported and feel free to say when they need help, or are ready to move on. Following our recent annual maintainer survey, we have projects looking for both new maintainers and co-maintainers. Therefore, we say thank you! to our maintainers looking to move on, and in this blog post we will explain why you might want to help, and we’ll list the packages currently up for adoption or collaboration.
How to keep yourself updated with the latest R news?
It is true that R, being open source (meaning that everyone can contribute), is evolving rapidly. This means that even if I am using R for several years and on a daily basis, I like to stay informed in order to stay up to date with the program and the latest coding practices.
Understanding the Basics of Package Writing in R
Writing a package sounds big - and it can for sure be. But in its simplest form, it’s not that much more than putting a function in a package structure. The R community is great and came up with multiple great helpers that make your life easier!
Efficiency comparison of dplyr and tidyr functions vs base R | R with White Dwarf
A couple of years ago I was interested in the efficiency of R when it comes to time processing and management of memory and I read a few blog posts about this topic, particularly pointing at the fact that R hasn’t been designed to be a very efficient language, especially when it comes to big data processing, and this could be its doom at some point in the future. By that time I also read a great article or blog post regarding the complexity of using the tidyverse family of packages in R, especially with the task of teaching R to beginners. The text made excellent points discussing how the syntax of tidyverse packages is so different from the base R functions that it might confuse the people trying to learn R from scratch. Thus, the narration continued towards the use of the packages data.table instead, which maintains a syntax closer to that of base R. And from there, the author also took the opportunity to discuss efficiency of both packages. I apologize for the lack of sources but I could not find the link to the post(s) I’m referring to, if any of you knows the post I’m talking about please, share the link with me, I’d be greatly thankful.
How to create Radar Plot in R-ggradar
How to create Radar Plot in R, The same-named function in the package requires a data frame as input, with the first column containing the names of the groups and each subsequent column containing a variable.
Little useless-useful R functions - R Solution with O(n) Time and O(n) Space complexity for CanSum() problem | TomazTsql
CanSum problem is a problem where a given array of integers (nums) and a target integer (target), return boolean (TRUE \ FALSE) indicating, that the target integer can be calculated using two or more numbers in array nums.
You may assume that each integer from the array can be used multiple times. You can also assume, that any integer (in nums or in target) is from 0 to +1e9 and the length of the nums array is from 2 to 1000 elements.
Splitting Text in R
If you’ve worked in a spreadsheet application before, you’re likely familiar with the “text-to-columns” tool. This tool allows you to split one column of data into multiple columns based on a delimiter. This same functionality is also achievable in R through functions such as the “separate” function from the “tidyr” library.
Interesting Uses of censo2017 a Year After Publishing
This post is about the surprising uses I’ve noticed and the questions about the censo2017 R package, a tool for accessing the Chilean census 2017 data, I’ve gotten since it was peer-reviewed through rOpenSci one year ago. The original post about the package one year ago didn’t cover the different examples I present here, including a Python port of the R package.
New Repositories Working Group - R Consortium
The R Validation Hub is happy to announce the Regulatory R Repository Working Group, which will be tasked with designing and prototyping the tools to support a cross-pharma, collaborative repository of regulated use case suitable R packages – You can imagine the end result as being a CRAN-like service for systematically vetting packages for regulated use and providing access to high-quality packages. For this, we are looking for new contributors and expertise.
How to create a Sankey plot in R? - Data Science Tutorials
How to create a Sankey plot in R?, You must install the ggsankey library and modify your dataset using the package’s make_long function in order to produce a Sankey diagram in ggplot2.
Announcing IndieWeb Utils v0.4.0 (with reflections on the library) | James' Coffee Blog
The goal of IndieWeb Utils is to make it easier for you to add IndieWeb features to your application in Python. In v0.3.0, released earlier this week, we added a lot of new features to the library.
Meet the Person Sensor from Useful Sensors!
Missing The AVC?
If you're feeling nostalgic for SparkFun's Autonomous Vehicle Competition, we might have something that will help. When Tawn Kramer's friends competed in the AVC and he couldn't make it, he wrote a simulator so that he could feel like a part of the action. The best part? It's open source and you can use it too!