Shows/Videos: Manpages, Security, GNU, and More
Unix/Linux Command Syntax Convention - Invidious
The Unix/Linux command syntax found in man pages gives you a quick introduction to the command in question. the syntax convention is simple but is hard to decipher if the command syntax was not formally introduced.
Josh Bressers: Episode 345 – Cheap hacking devices turn security upside down
Josh and Kurt talk about ineffective security from the past we still use today. There has been a great deal of progress in the last few decades bringing us amazing products like the Flipper Zero, cameras that can peer inside locks, and even software defined radio. A great deal of security relies on people not having easy access to these cheap devices. What does this mean for the future of security?
GNU World Order 482
Hyprland The Greatest Wayland Compositor Ever? - Invidious
People have been asking me to cover Hyprland for a very long time so it's about time that I actually do so, and while I could focus on the individual implementation specifics, considering it's beta software it seems like a better idea to focus on the concepts