Programming Leftovers
Dima Kogan: gnuplot output in an FLTK widget
I make a lot of plots, and the fragmentation of tools in this space really bugs me. People writing Python code mostly use matplotlib, R people use ggplot2. MS people use the internal Excel thing. I've seen people use gtkdatabox for GTK widgets, rrdtool for logging, qcustomplot for qt. And so on. This is really unhelpful, and it would benefit everybody if there was a single solid plotting backend with lots of bindings to different languages and tools.
GCC Compiler Patches Arrive For Intel Meteor Lake - Sierra Forest CPUs
Intel has published new patches for the GNU Compiler Collection or GCC, that will assist with support for upcoming Meteor Lake and Sierra Forest CPUs.
2022.42 Grep no Fear - Rakudo Weekly News
Elizabeth Mattijsen has published an introduction into the Raku Programming Language by means of the grep functionality, called Don’t fear the grepper! (Part 1), the first of hopefully a long series of easy to read, yet in-depth exposition of Raku features. And they also published the second instalment of the It’s time to rak! series, about the rak utility.