Cameras and Old Hardware Restoration
New GigE cameras unveiled at Vision 2022
Earlier this week, Lucid Vision Labs showcased diverse high speed cameras at Vision 2022. These Gigabit cameras offer bandwidth ranging from 2.5 to 25Gbps and some of them include Power-over-Ethernet support.
Acorn Archimedes A3010: Restoration Part 2
In my previous post I managed to get the Archimedes A3010 to a point where it could boot up. But there are still things to test and repair. The work continues…
Now that it boots into the OS from ROM probably the most important thing is the ability to load more software into it. I hooked up the floppy drive, picked a magazine coverdisk out of the box of disks that came with the machine and…
Acorn Archimedes A3010: Restoration Part 1
The Acorn Archimedes is famous as the machine that introduced the world to the ARM processor. There were several different models but the A3010 was a wedge shaped design that was geared towards the home computer market. I had never owned an Archimedes before this and only briefly used the one in the corner of the BBC Micro room in high school. But I thought this was a piece of history worth preserving and I really wanted to try it out properly.