5 new improvements in Apache ShardingSphere
Apache ShardingSphere, a powerful distributed database, recently released a major update to optimize and enhance its features, performance, testing, documentation, and examples. In short, the project continues to work hard at development to make it easier for you to manage your organization's data.
1. SQL audit for data sharding
The problem: When a user executes an SQL query without the sharding feature in large-scale data sharding scenarios, the SQL query is routed to the underlying database for execution. As a result, many database connections are occupied, and businesses are severely affected by a timeout or other issues. Worse still, should the user perform an UPDATE/DELETE operation, a large amount of data may be incorrectly updated or deleted.
ShardingSphere's solution: As of version 5.2.0, ShardingSphere provides the SQL audit for data sharding feature and allows users to configure audit strategies. The strategy specifies multiple audit algorithms, and users can decide whether audit rules should be disabled. SQL execution is strictly prohibited if any audit algorithm fails to pass.