Programming Leftovers
Limine Installer fixes
Just a quick report. I have posted the latest Limine Installer scripts here
The series on the WPE port by the WebKit team at Igalia grows, with several new articles that go deep into different areas of the engine
These articles are an interesting read not only if you're working on WebKit, but also if you are curious on how a modern browser engine works and some of the moving parts beneath the surface. So go check them out!
on "correct and efficient work-stealing for weak memory models"
Hello all, a quick post today. Inspired by Rust as a Language for High Performance GC Implementation by Yi Lin et al, a few months ago I had a look to see how the basic Rust concurrency facilities that they used were implemented.
One of the key components that Lin et al used was a Chase-Lev work-stealing double-ended queue (deque). The 2005 article Dynamic Circular Work-Stealing Deque by David Chase and Yossi Lev is a nice read defining this data structure. It's used when you have a single producer of values, but multiple threads competing to claim those values. This is useful when implementing per-CPU schedulers or work queues; each CPU pushes on any items that it has to its own deque, and pops them also, but when it runs out of work, it goes to see if it can steal work from other CPUs.
[...] The funny thing is that I looked at the proof and I looked at the industrial applications of the deque and I thought well, I just have to transcribe the algorithm exactly and I'll be golden. But it just goes to show that proving one property of an algorithm doesn't necessarily imply that the algorithm is correct.
10 Best IntelliJ Themes and Color Schemes To Use in 2022
If you have been programming for a while, you know the grind. You see a problem; you brainstorm the solution – the casual trial and error. However, we know that it can get frustrating to keep looking up at the same dull screen every time. So, if you are using IntelliJ IDEA, we can help you spice things up by introducing you to some awesome IntelliJ Themes.
We can also help you if you use other Jetbrains IDEs because you can find compatible versions of the ones we will talk about as Pycharm themes or as themes for PhpStorm – as well as any other IntelliJ-based IDE created by Jetbrains. You also do not need to worry about the costs as the themes we’ll discuss are all free.
Working from Home? These 4 Tips Will Help You to Stay Productive
That takes away precious hours, so it’s no wonder that 58% of US workers believe they can work remotely and finish job tasks on time.
Rakudo Weekly News: 2022.40 Learning to Core
Vadim Belman has started preparing for a set of teaching classes about developing the Rakudo core, and would like to know if you’re interested! It’s a great chance to get a flying start into contributing to the Raku Programming Language.
Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities September 2022
This month I didn't have any particular focus. I just worked on issues in my info bubble.
Thorsten Alteholz: My Debian Activities in September 2022
This month I accepted 226 and rejected 33 packages. The overall number of packages that got accepted was 232.
All in all I addressed about 60 RM-bugs and either simply removed the package or added a moreinfo tag. In total I spent 5 hours for this task.
Anyway, I have to repeat my comment from last month: please have a look at the removal page and check whether the created dak command is really what you wanted. It would also help if you check the reverse dependencies and write a comment whether they are important or can be ignored or also file a new bug for them. Each removal must have one bug!