Top 10 Best Linux Distributions in 2022 For Everyone
We compiled a list of the 10 best Linux distributions for everyone in 2022 based on their stability, attractiveness and time required to configure after installation.
The Linux Distribution space is heavily fragmented to the point that a new fork is being created almost every day. A very few of them are unique and bring something different to the table. Most of them are just the same Ubuntu or Debian based with a different theme or a wrapper.
The Linux distro landscape is so dynamic that it changes every month. Some Linux distributions become more stable with ever-changing packages and components, while others become unstable in quality. Hence, it’s challenging to pick and choose the best Linux distribution for your school, work or for just casual browsing, watching movies, etc. Not to mention, many Linux distributions are discontinued every year due to a lack of contributions, cost-overrun and other reasons.
That said, we compiled the below 10 best Linux distributions in 2022, which is perfect for any user or use case. That includes casual dual-boot users with Windows 10 or 11, students, teachers, developers, creators, etc. Take a look.