Videos: XMonad, Torvsalds on C, and TikTok Fake News
XMonad Can Force Your Terminal To Swallow - Invidious
Late in 2021, Xmonad released a new major version (0.17) of both 'xmonad' and 'xmonad-contrib'. These new versions include a bunch of new and cool features, like the ability to have your terminal swallow windows. But 0.17 didn't land in Arch Linux until recently, so I'm just now getting to explore these new features.
Founder of Linux (Linus Torvalds) about one and ONLY Programming language- Invidious
The Tik Tok Data Breach is Fake! For Now... - Invidious
Looks like the "journalists" got a little bit too excited and reported on a fake data breach incident. As of today TikTok has not had a data breach containing 2 billion peoples records, but its only a matter of time until a real breach comes.